
Eleni Roumanas and Michael Hamada

Anatomy of Denture Foundation Areas

Eleni Roumanas and Frank Lauciello

History and Exam

John Beumer III

Tissue Conditioning

John Beumer III

Preliminary Impressions

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Frank Lauciello DDS

Impression Tray Fabrication

John Beumer III

Final Impressions

John Beumer III and Frank Lauciello

Boxing Impressions and Making Casts

John Beumer III and Frank Lauciello

Record Base and Wax Rim Fabrication

Michael Hamada and John Beumer III

Maxillo Mandibular Relation Records

Eleni Roumanas and Michael Hamada

Anterior Tooth Selection

Eleni Roumanas and Michael Hamada

Esthetics and Characterization

Eleni Roumanas, Giuolo Preti and Frank Lauciello

Hanau's Quint

Michael Hamada

Occlusal Schemes Lingualized Occlusion

John Beumer III and Michael Hamada

Occlusal Schemes - Anatomic and Semi Anatomic Occlusion

John Beumer III and Michael Hamada

Occlusal Schemes - Monoplane with Balancing Ramps

John Beumer III and Michael Hamada

Occlusal Schemes - Lingualized Opposing Monoplane

John Beumer III and Michael Hamada

Criteria for Posterior Tooth Selection

John Beumer III and Michael Hamada

Trial Denture Appointment

John Beumer & Robert Duell

Refine Denture Setup

John Beumer III

Final Wax Contouring

John Beumer III

Posterior Palatal Seal

Michael Hamada

Denture Processing

John Beumer III

Laboratory Remount

John Beumer III

Occlusal Schemes - Monoplane - Neutrocentric Concepts

John Beumer III, DDS, MS and Michael Hamada DDS

Preprosthetic Surgical Procedures

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Reconstructive Preprosthetic Surgery

John Beumer III DDS, MS

Insertion and Followup

John Beumer III and Robert Duell

Abutment Selection

John Beumer III

Angled Implants

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Allesandro Pozzi, DDS

Cement Retention vs Screw Retention

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Robert Faulkner DDS, MS

Computer Guided Treatment Planning and Surgery

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Allesandro Pozzi, DDS
Robert Faulkner DDS

Edentulous Mandible Fixed Prostheses

John Beumer and Hiroake Okabe

Endentulous Maxilla - Fixed Prostheses

John Beumer III, Jungo Endo and Hiroaki Okabe

Immediate and Early Loading

John Beumer III

Implant Components

George Perri

Implant Retained Maxillary Obturators

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Implant Retained Maxillary Obturators

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Mark T. Marunick DDS

Implants and RPDs

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang DDS
Robert Faulkner DDS

Implants in Growing Children

Arun Sharma and John Beumer III

Prosthodontic Procedures and Complications

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Robert Faulkner, DDS

Restoration of Posterior Quadrants and Treatment Planning

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Robert Faulkner, DDS
Kumar C. Shah DDS, MS

Single Tooth Defects in Posterior Quadrants

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Robert Faulkner, DDS

Single Tooth Implants

Mete Fanuscu DDS John Beumer III DDS, MS

Soft Tissue Procedures

Moustafa H El-Ghareeb BDS MS

Stage 1 and 2 Surgery

Moustafa El-Ghareeb BDS, MS

Cleft Lip and Palate

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

Definitive Obturators - Partially Edentulous Patients

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Mark T. Marunick, DDS

Etiology of Palatal Defects

John Beumer III

Implant Retained Maxillary Obturators

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Maxillofacial Defects and RPD Design

John Beumer III DDS, MS


John Beumer III, DDS, MS, Eric Sung, DDS

Preradiation - Dental Evaluation

John Beumer III and Eric Sung

Radiation of Head & Neck Tumors

Robert Kagan and John Beumer III

Restoration of Ear Defects

John Beumer III DDS, MS
Don Pedroche DDS, CDT

Restoration of Midfacial Defects

John Beumer III DDS, MS

Restoration of Orbital Defects

John Beumer III, MS, DDS
Don Pedroche, DDS, CDT

Restoration of Soft Palate Defects

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Speech and Velopharyngeal Function

Sal Esposito DMD, FICD
Jana Rieger, PhD
John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Designing RPD's - Surveying and Map

Ting Ling Chang DDS and John Beumer III DDS, MS

Digital Design - Mandibular RPDs

Jay Jayanetti DDS, Daniela Orellana DDS, MS, Ting Ling Chang DDS, John Beumer DDS, MS

Digital Design - Maxillary RPD's

Jay Jayanetti DDS, Daniela Orellana DDS, MS, Ting Ling Chang DDS, John Beumer DDS, MS

Introduction and Basic Principles of RPD's

Ting Ling Chang and John Beumer III

Maxillo-Mandibular Records and Occlusion for RPD's

Michael Hamada, George Perri, JohnBeumerIII, Ting Ling Chang

Overlay - Partial Dentures

Ting Ling Chang and John Beumer III

Partial Denture Rests

John Beumer III and Ting Ling Chang

Retainers, Clasp Assemblies and Indirect Retainers

Ting Ling Chang, Takahiro Ogawa and John Beumer III

RPD Biomechanics

JohnBeumer III and Ting Ling Chang

RPD Design Philosophies

Ting Ling Chang, Takahiro Ogawa and John Beumer III

RPD Literature Review

Ryan Wallace DDS

Surveyed Crowns and Combined Fixed RPD Cases

Aria Davodi DDS and Ting Ling Change DDS

Tooth Tissue Junction, The

John Beumer III


01. Introduccion

Eleni Roumanis, DDS

02. Anatomia

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

03. historial medico dental y examen

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

04 Acondicionamiento de Tejidos

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

05. Impresiones Preliminares

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

07. Impresiones Finales

John Beumer III, DDS, MS, Frank Lauciello, DDS

10. Relaciones Maxilomandibulares

Eleni Roumanas, DDS, Frank Lauciello, DDS

12. Estetica y Caracterizacion de los Dientes

Eleni Roumanas, DDS, Giulo Preti MD, Frank Lauciello, DDS

13. La Quinta de Hanau

Michael Hamada,  DDS

16. Oclusion Anatomica y Semi-Anatomica

John Beumer III, DDS, MS, Michael Hamada, DDS

17. Oclusion Lingualizada - Contro - Oclusion Monoplana

John Beumer III, DDS, MS, Michael Hamada, DDS

18. Oclusion Lingualizada

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

20. Oclusion Monoplana con Rampas de Balance

John Beumer III, DDS, MS, Michael Hamada, DDS

21. Oclusion Monoplana

John Beumer III, DDS, MS, Michael Hamada, DDS

22. Seleccion de Dientes Posteriores

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

23. Cita Para la Dentadura de Prueba

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

24. Refinar la Montura de Dientes

John Beumer, III, DDS, MS

25. Sello Palatal Periferal Posterior

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

27. Procesamiento de las Dentaduras

John Beumer, III, DDS, MS

30. Insercion y Seguimiento de las Dentaduras

John Beumer, III, DDS, MS, Robert Duell, DDS


Abutment Selection 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
George Perri, DDS

Edentulous Maxilla Overlay Dentures 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

Restoration of the Esthetic Zone 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS


Esthetics, Rotational Path, Attachments 汉语

John Beumer III, MS, DDS
Eugene King, DDS

Impressions and Physiologic Adjustment 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Takahiro Ogawa, DDS, PhD
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

Introduction and Basic Components of RPDs 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS
Aria Davodi, DDS
Tak Ogawa, DDS, PhD
Michael Hamada, DDS
Georege Perri, DDS
Eugene King, DDS

Maxillo Mandibular Records 汉语

Michael Hamada, DDS
George Perri, DDS
John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

MFP Defects and RPD design 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Overlay RPDs 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

Partial Denture Rests 汉语

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

Removable Partial Dentures Biomechanics (汉语)

John Beumer III, DDS, MS
Ting Ling Chang, DDS

Retainers, Clasp Assemblies and Indirect Retainers 汉语

Ting Ling Chang, DDS
Takahiro Ogawa, DDS
John Beumer III, DDS, MS

RPD Design Philosophies 汉语

Ting Ling Chang, DDS
Takahiro Ogawa, DDS
John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Surveying and MAP 汉语

Ting Ling Chang, DDS
John Beumer III, DDS, MS

Tooth Tissue Junction, Major and Minor Connectors 汉语

Ting Ling Chang, DDS
Takahiro Ogawa, DDS
John Beumer III, DDS, MS