26. Maxillary distal extension RPD Studies l T. Berg and A.A.Caputo l 载荷的方向如何影响应力的分布以及咬合设计? l 降低的牙周支持对RPD基牙载荷传导的影响是什么? 临床意义 bone loss further Low stress Periodontal increased stress concentration Moderate stress both at the tooth/bone interface as well as within the tooth root High stress. . . Note the increased levels of stress concentration along the Photoelastic stress analysis PDL RPI design RPD with inclined load
27. Maxillary distal extension RPD Studies l T. Berg and A.A.Caputol 载荷的方向如何影响应力的分布以及咬合设计?l 降低的牙周支持对RPD基牙载荷传导的影响是什么? 临床意义 Low stressl 考近游离端且牙周支持能力受损基牙的 Moderate stress 支持需要额外考虑 – 连接基牙 High stress – 利用RPD支架稳定多基牙 – 注意咬合:前牙引导Photoelastic stress analysis
28. Maxillary distal extension RPD Studies l T. Berg and A.A.Caputol 载荷的方向如何影响应力的分布以及咬合设计?l 降低的牙周支持对RPD基牙载荷传导的影响是什么? 临床意义 Low stressl 根管治疗后,且牙周支持受损,靠近游 Moderate stress 离端基板的不适合考虑RPD – 容易发生折断 High stress – 应力集中与根尖 – 如果可能避免在这类牙齿上放置牙合支托Photoelastic stress analysis
29. I-Bar retainers in mandibular bilateral distalextension cases with diminished periodontalsupport l H. Itoh, A.A.Caputo, R. Wylie and T. Bergl 减小的牙周支持对RPD基牙应力分布的影响是什么?l 对夹板固定的RPD基牙在应力分布上的影响是什么? Trough defects Crater defect
30. 光弹应力分析槽状缺损 弹坑状缺损
31. 光弹应力分析槽状缺损 弹坑状缺损
32. 光弹应力分析槽状缺损 弹坑状缺损
33. 独立基牙 光弹应力分析槽状缺损 弹坑状缺损
34. 独立基牙夹板固定基牙 光弹应力分析 槽状缺损 弹坑状缺损
35. 三连冠 Single abutmentTwo splinted abutments 光弹应力分析 槽状缺损 弹坑状缺损
44. RPD与牙周稳定l Periodontal considerations: RPD design objectives 不规则的咬合平面 - Uniting and controlling the entire arch 小间隙和不稳定的牙齿位置 - Control individual tooth movement - Hygienic contouring at the tooth/tissue junction - Flexibility to accommodate variable treatment situations 牙周受损的牙齿 可摘式牙周稳定修复体
45. RPD与牙周稳定l Periodontal considerations: RPD design objectives Irregular occlusal plane - Uniting and controlling the entire arch Diastemas and unstable tooth position - Control individual tooth movement - Hygienic contouring at the tooth/tissue junction - Flexibility to accommodate variable treatment situations Periodontally compromised teeth 可摘式牙周稳定修复体
46. RPD与牙周稳定 建立咬合l Periodontal considerations: RPD design objectives Irregular occlusal plane - Uniting and controlling the entire arch - Control individual tooth movement 联合整个牙弓并控 Diastemas and unstable tooth position - Hygienic contouring at the tooth/tissue 制牙齿位置 junction - Flexibility to 清洁外形轮廓 variable treatment accommodate situations 为额外牙齿的缺失 Periodontally compromised teeth 做准备 可摘式牙周稳定修复体